Monday, January 26, 2015

Relief - A short film in stop-motion animation

Last year (2014), I co-wrote, co-directed and produced a short stop-motion animated film titled Relief. The movie is still in post-production but I thought I'd share a brief update about it here! 

"Taking shape
2014 is gone, and we have carried Relief over into 2015. Nobody on the team thought that a short film could take this long in post-production, but we have learnt to be patient and let the movie take shape as it will. We are currently working on about 5000 photographs, which will then form the final footage. The post-production team continues to grow as we employ the services of a few freelance artists and designers to see the vision of Relief through to the end!" 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

5 Movie Reviews, and counting!

I began writing movie reviews earlier this year at a workshop conducted by One Fine Day Films - and so far, I've got 5 movies published on the Buni.TV blog.

Film reviewing has so far been amazing, and I'll share more about my experience with it soon. In the meantime, check out my reviews, listed on my Movie Reviews tab - and leave a comment while you're there! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Haven - A script by Loi Awat

Haven - the first short that I ever wrote, and my entry for Maisha Screenwriters' Lab in Nairobi the same year. 
"After living as a fugitive for a year, Isaac Moturi decides to hand himself over to the law and return to his family but an unexpected fate awaits him..."
This version:
Draft 2 - 10 Pages 
An original screenplay by Loi Awat ©2010

My blog! A New Thing by Loi Awat

I began blogging about 2 years ago, and I stopped blogging about 1 year ago. So, I prefer not to call this a blog lest is fails to keep my attention in the years ahead - this is simply a collection of things by Loi Awat ;)